I am almost done with this semester of school!
It really has not been that difficult, but it is nice to know that I am one semester closer to graduating. I am trying to get everything together to transfer to a four year college. Hopefully things work out with Holy Cross, they are a small school and seem really friendly. Plus they offer scholarships to transfer students...that would be me!
This Sunday I am going to my very first Cub's game! I am excited, originally I was going to go with my brother and nephew, but now I am going with Cami and Lisa! It should be an amazing girls day! Hopefully in the summer I can go with Sam and Max.
Too bad the warm weather went away! It was so beautiful, sunny in the 80's and now it is back in the 50's and rainy...dangit! It better be nice this weekend for the game!
Hollar at you later!
I am so gangster it is ridiculous!