Above is a picture of my bulletin board I made for my Phonics class.
Well talk about crazy times at Ridgemont High! There are two weeks before Fall Break and all the Professors are giving us exams, presentations, lab practicum(which will be the death of my Bio grade!), many many idea logs...
Luckily I am handling it all really well. Or at I am happily in denial about it :)
I am surprised at how easily the workload is for me. Everyone said your first semester is going to be the hardest being overwhelmed with the syllabus all the projects and such. I am very blessed because I am enjoying all of the projects and happily crossing them off the syllabus as a I complete them!
WooHoo! I am also taking advantage of the Rec Center on campus and I am off right now to go lift some weights.
I love the board!!!! So cute!
Write about your everyday life, thoughts and stuff... I'll read it no matter what. And I'll like it, because I'm a blog junkie:)
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