
Monday, April 5, 2010

I love long weekends!

On Friday I went to South Bend with my sister, and had a Creme Brulee!  That is my favorite dessert! That evening I went to see "Last Song" with Cami and Jenny.  It is a really good  movie, despite Miley Cyrus using the B- word once--not cool Hannah Montana, NOT COOL!

Saturday I went to Beth's and colored Easter Eggs with her family!  May I add, her family is GRREEAATTT!

Sunday was Easter, I went to church, while sitting in church my headache turned into a migraine, so I took a nap.  Felt really pukey, didn't go to my families Easter.  Walked with Val and then watched "Easter Parade" (tradition)!!!!

I started my Monday with a great walk, then went to my sisters and helped her get their house ready for the baby!!  Got a pedicure, then came home and started to read a "fun" book!!! Now I am watching one of the my favorite shows, "Chuck"!!!  Woo Hoo!!!!

Yeah for long weekends!
Yeah for long weekends!