On Friday I went to South Bend with my sister, and had a Creme Brulee! That is my favorite dessert! That evening I went to see "Last Song" with Cami and Jenny. It is a really good movie, despite Miley Cyrus using the B- word once--not cool Hannah Montana, NOT COOL!
Saturday I went to Beth's and colored Easter Eggs with her family! May I add, her family is GRREEAATTT!
Sunday was Easter, I went to church, while sitting in church my headache turned into a migraine, so I took a nap. Felt really pukey, didn't go to my families Easter. Walked with Val and then watched "Easter Parade" (tradition)!!!!
I started my Monday with a great walk, then went to my sisters and helped her get their house ready for the baby!! Got a pedicure, then came home and started to read a "fun" book!!! Now I am watching one of the my favorite shows, "Chuck"!!! Woo Hoo!!!!
Yeah for long weekends!
Yeah for long weekends!
What is the "fun" book you are reading?
yeah yeah for coloring eggs AND my family being awesome AND for chuck =D
The fun book I was reading was called, "You had me at Goodbye" it is a cute girly book.
=D (it seriously took me three minutes to figure out how to make that face, equal sign got me)
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