
Friday, June 3, 2011

It's Friday again...

Tots forgot about doing a five favorite things Imma slap one ta-gether right quick.
         -I like to talk in a country accent and am unsure of how to get that across in the written word :)
I just spent the last fifteen minutes trying to find a movie on the DVR to I am thinking movies this favorite movies run the gamet but my favorite is probably...

1.Sweet Home Alabama

I like Reese Witherspoon and the cute blue-eyed country boy...I pretty much love any country boy, but if they happen to be blue-eyed that is even better :) :) (that deserves two smiley faces)

2. The Italian Job

Mmm....Mark Whalberg...mmmm...okay, okay I am back.
I love suspense movies that involve law breaking and hot dudes...again, Mark  Whalberg....

3. Nora Robert's Montana Sky

John Corbett as a, Yes Please!!  There is this desire with in me to be a cowgirl but my allergies and lack of love for gross things, that will NEVER happen. So movies are my only window to that lifestyle. Oh, and Pioneer Women!

4. You've Got Mail

Classic!  Plus is reminds me of my sweet cousin Rachel Christine South.  Who has deserted me for the people of Japan.  I am not bitter...well maybe a little, but she is coming home this summer to visit ME family and friends.

5.Easter Parade

I only watch this movie once a year, but I look forward it starting in February.  Easter Parade means hanging out at the Relos house and eating Easter leftovers while singing along and usually making fun of Nadine...such a skank ho self-centered lady.

These are some of my favs, and as always I look forward to hearing about yours :)


Lena said...

Love Sweet Home Alabama. Have major crush on Josh Lucas... He is HOTT!

Haven't seen Italian Job... How could I have missed it? Oh, Marky Mark... Also HOT... But with just one T.

I have too many movies that I like and it will take me forever to come up with 5 faves...

beth said...

i love 1,2,4, I have a new movie to look for on netflix!!! :)