I was driving out to my friends house on a beautiful Thursday afternoon. I was coming from Grace and did not want to back track and go the way I usually come from my house. So I drove East for a little bit and then turn to the north.
The sun was out, my sunroof was open, and my shades were on.
After about 10 minutes on the same road I got a little worried because I had not driven by ANYTHING familiar.
I drove by a lake that was not Tippy...I was going Sixty (I am a sweet rhymer)
Unfortunately the speed limit was only 30...in the country...who does that...?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??????
That is when I saw it, the sleek-window tinted-cruiser. I though nothing of it, I was in the country!! As I was peering in my review mirror (you know you all look in the mirror if a police officer passes) he did a u turn.
...poop on a stick...why are his lights on....uhh....
These were the thoughts running through my head:
-Oh no I have a zit on my forhead
-My hair is in a ponytail, how am I supposed to flip it and smile at him?
-Will he think those coffee flavors are alcohol?
-Okay good, Pulse FM is on
-Sweet no ring on his finger...turn on the charm :)
He wasted NO time getting down to business, "Ma'am (whoa dude, I'm not a ma'am yet) I pulled you over for going 60 in a 30." This is where my mouth dropped open, and I calculated how many coffee drinks this ticket I was bound to get was going to cost me.
"May I see you liscence and registration?"
I replied, "Uh, sure..." This is where he is looking through at my backseat and I send a prayer upward.
"Are you from around here ma'am?" (what is with the ma'am crap?)
"I am from Plymouth, trying to get to Lake Tippy, to Camp Crosley. Clearly this is the wrong lake!"
He just turns around with my papers and goes to his car....
...I wait....
...and wait...
He gets out of his cruiser, mosies on up to Milan and hands me a WARNING!! Oh PRAISE THE LORD, I enjoy my coffee way to much!! I really think God was just sparing my friends ;)
"Please slow down ma'am." (Dude, I am only 25, yes I'll be 26 in less than two months which is almost 30, but I ain't no ma'am)
I asked for directions...he looks at me, "Turn left, then immediate right, Camp Crosley is football field away." I think he even smirked...made me want to smack the smirk off his ma'am speakin face.
Two minutes later I pulled up to Heather's house...geez