
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I love warm and stormy nights :)

As I was driving home from ZUMBA I was enjoying the sky!!

 The clouds were so lovely!!

 Though, it looks like a storm is brewing.  By the way, I am okay with that!

Bring on the rain!! (and thunder, and lightning)


On another is a picture are pictures of my favorite Easter candy :)

There are giant bugs on my condensed milk!! hehe.
These little cuties are from

Sunday, April 24, 2011

One Year

Yesterday we celebrated Issabella's first birthday!!  I cannot believe my niece is one, her actual birthday is April 21st.  Cami and Seth took Bella to Chicago on her birthday.  Bella is walking around like an old makes me heart so full of love it feel like it could burst!! 

Here is a picture from her very first day on earth:

Her party!!!

Seth's brother had a bounce house, that all the little tykes enjoyed very much!!  Though they usually face planted on the way down the if that was the proper way to descend and not your hiney.  I just hope they learn to use a slide correctly as some point in time :)  It would be pretty awkward to be in fifth grade and go sliding down on your face during recess.

Of course cake was to be had.  Bella shows no fear around food.  If it is edible, she will eat it!!

She just could not get enough of that cake, she had to get up close and personal.  But boy, was she mad when Cami cleaned her off.  She doesn't cry, she just yells and grunts in your general direction. 

Hope you all have a great Easter!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

365..still trying to catch up :) :)

Wrigley Man--looking all cute!!

My camera bag, adorned with Yogurt...

Pretty pre-yarn at a knitting shop in the Village.


Organized chaos...right?!?!

It was a cold Spring day :(

Bella Boo

Sunday Fun :)

This morning I taught the Junior High Sunday School.  These girls are great!!  It makes me soo excited for youth camp this summer.  Since my Wednesday night classes take up helping with Wednesday night youth, getting to fill in is such a treat!  It is great to see such nice young ladies, when all that you might hear are bad things about teens these days.

As per usual on Sundays, the afternoon is spent with Sara Li.  She has been a little feisty lately trying to fight off an ear infection...and today I think she just needed a break from life.  So we got Starbucks and watched Toy Story 3 (great movie by the way)!!

Praise the GOOD Lord for Carmel Mochiattos :)
Sara's usual: Iced Vanilla Coffee

Friday, April 15, 2011

Creepy? Or NO?

When ever there is a fortune or saying like this...hmm...I don't like it. 


ThreeSixtyFive--What happened to us?  I was so motivated to capture an image everyday...but then you got away from me.  It is weary to upload/crop/photoshop a picture everyday.  Now I have taken a picture everyday and I am going to try and catch up with posting them...but I am not making any promises!!
This was a last minute shot before midnight.

The start of Spring.  I see you, you precious new green life!!

Where has all the popcorn gone?
I didn't do it!  Maybe I did, but it was
a single serving bag.  Don't Judge ;)

Forgot to take a picture this day...oppsies....

Sara's 16th birthday party!! Those kids are awesome!

I gots me a new shirt.  I might have been a tinsy bit sassy that day ;)

Open book tests are not they are all cracked up to be...

More pictures will come as I remember/have the desire to post them :)

Fingernail Friday.

Guess what I did today??

I got my nails did!!  My friend Val was going to get hers done and I was green with envy so I went too :)  She even paid for it--I am dog sitting for them this weekend.  I am pretty sure I would dog sit every weekend if someone would pay for my nails to get done every week...but alas, tis not life.

Here are my grubby nubs of fingers before...

And the finished product...
I only wanted a solid color, because I do not want to be flashy, but I got one finger lookin all jazzy!!  I would call it subtle flash ;)

What is it about getting your nails done that is so relaxing and puts that extra "pep" in your step?  I don't know, but I don't hate it!!!

Thanks Val!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I am sorry officer....

I was driving out to my friends house on a beautiful Thursday afternoon.  I was coming from Grace and did not want to back track and go the way I usually come from my house.  So I drove East for a little bit and then turn to the north.

The sun was out, my sunroof was open, and my shades were on.

After about 10 minutes on the same road I got a little worried because I had not driven by ANYTHING familiar.

I drove by a lake that was not Tippy...I was going Sixty (I am a sweet rhymer)

Unfortunately the speed limit was only the country...who does that...?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??????

That is when I saw it, the sleek-window tinted-cruiser.  I though nothing of it, I was in the country!!  As I was peering in my review mirror (you know you all look in the mirror if a police officer passes) he did a u turn.


...poop on a stick...why are his lights on....uhh....

These were the thoughts running through my head:
-Oh no I have a zit on my forhead
-My hair is in a ponytail, how am I supposed to flip it and smile at him?
-Will he think those coffee flavors are alcohol?
-Okay good, Pulse FM is on
-Sweet no ring on his finger...turn on the charm :)

He wasted NO time getting down to business, "Ma'am (whoa dude, I'm not a ma'am yet) I pulled you over for going 60 in a 30."  This is where my mouth dropped open, and I calculated how many coffee drinks this ticket I was bound to get was going to cost me.
"May I see you liscence and registration?"
I replied, "Uh, sure..." This is where he is looking through at my backseat and I send a prayer upward.
"Are you from around here ma'am?" (what is with the ma'am crap?)
"I am from Plymouth, trying to get to Lake Tippy, to Camp Crosley.  Clearly this is the wrong lake!"
He just turns around with my papers and goes to his car....

...I wait....

...and wait...

He gets out of his cruiser, mosies on up to Milan and hands me a WARNING!! Oh PRAISE THE LORD, I enjoy my coffee way to much!!  I really think God was just sparing my friends ;)

"Please slow down ma'am." (Dude, I am only 25, yes I'll be 26 in less than two months which is almost 30, but I ain't no ma'am)

I asked for directions...he looks at me, "Turn left, then immediate right, Camp Crosley is football field away." I think he even smirked...made me want to smack the smirk off his ma'am speakin face.

Two minutes later I pulled up to Heather's house...geez

Monday, April 11, 2011


Sometimes I feel that I do not have what it takes to be a blogger...and that is time.

It is finally time to wind down, and it is 10:20!!! Blah on that crap!!!  Been runnin' round busy and homeworky all dang day...the outcome will be worth it, it will be worth it, it will....yep...right?!?!?

I was going to post some pictures from the beautiful-ness that was outside yesterday but left my memory card at home...ugh..

But I have chocolate to sooth me from this crazy day so YEAH!!!
Even though all the little sayings on the wrappers have been about love and I can't speed anymore, (well at least for a month or two) :)  Stupid love and no speeding :/

I'll share my speeding story when I am in a better mood and it is not so late!!

Chocolate and Grumpiness,
Casi ;)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Laundry Day...

This is what I started my day with :)

I have no idea who wears my clothes and dirties them so fast!! It ain't right.

After four loads of laundry (for just my clothes) and two lifetime movies later, I was finished!!
I put away my unmentionables before I took this picture...and my socks because they share the same drawer:)

I hope to tackle my jewelry space tomorrow!!

Spring Cleaning Away!!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy April Fool's Day

Lucky for me no one played any tricks on me!! YEAH!!

If you read my blog then you know that I am doing a photography project where I take a picture a day for a year.  I post them on fllickr but no one sees them so I am going to start posting them here too :)  The first seven are up from a few weeks ago, so I will post seven till I catch up :)

The ladies in the above picture are two people that I thank God are in my life!!!  I meet them at Grace and I remember sitting down next to Beth in Science and saying, "Hi, I am Casi.  What's your name?"  I felt like I was in 5th grade, but I am glad I did because Beth and Lena were already friends and I joined their ranks :)  Love you girls with all of my heart!!

This is the laptop that I am currently typing away on...though now it is for FUN!! This semester has been one of the hardest homework wise.  I have something due for every class every time it meets. (Maybe not, but I feel like it)  So my laptop has been my best friend this semester.

My Granny and niece Bella.  My grandma had a tough time last month and was in a rehabilitation home to gain some strength back from a bleeding ulcer.  Now she is home and happy, and so is the rest of the family!!  The little cutie is Issabella, you can see more pictures and learn about her here :)

This picture makes me laugh every time I see it!!  Carter was not loving his first birthday cake!!  He was so funny, you could tell that he was trying to get into the cake, but was totally not feeling it.

My Matsumoto Ball from Japan. Here is information on the castle.  The picture in the background was from my first trip to Japan in 2005. My cousin Rachel, who currently lives over there, and me :)

This is probably one of the crappiest pictures I have ever taken...I hadn't taken a picture yet that day and quickly snapped one before I got into the car for a WalMart run with Beth and Anna...oy!

RACHEL!!  My precious bestfriendtwincousin.  And Yes that is all one word!  We skype weekly and this was from that days Skype :)

BTW-- These pictures are days 8-14 of my 365 project starting from the top :)